In order to support TVET administration and decision-making, CIVTE takes on the following responsibilities and tasks : organizing and coordinating nation-wide TVET scientific research; undertaking research on TVET and lifelong learning; stipulating national TVET standards; evaluating TVET quality; developing and promoting TVET teaching materials; regular management for TVET programs supported by central finance; promoting domestic TVET development and communication with foreign TVET organizations.

1.1 Providing consultation for policy-making

In order to provide consultation for TVET reform and decision-making, CIVTE is conducting research on strategic planning on TVET and lifelong learning, on TVET policies, regulations and laws, and on fundamental theories and key issues; drafting policies, regulations and laws of TVET and lifelong learning; compiling "Annual Report of China's TVET"and providing consultation for TVET decision-making; editing internal publication of "Reference for TVET Policy-making".

1.2 Developing standards

Studying, setting up and promoting standards of TVET subject areas; designing teaching guidelines and developing criteria for TVET syllabuses and curricula;conducting research on qualifications of TVET professionals and principals, on requirements of administrative staff and on training planing and mechanism; making national standards for continuing education and training.

1.3 Coordinating scientific research

Organizing and coordinating nation-wide TVET research organizations to conduct surveys and researches and summarize local experience; providing guidance for implementing pilot programs and joint programs of TVET reform; rewarding and promoting research findings.

1.4 Working out planning over TVET teaching materials

Working out planning over TVET teaching materials; compiling and publishing TVET teaching materials catalog; developing modern TVET materials and digital teaching resources; publishing policies and information on TVET teaching materials development; coordinating communications among relevant publishing houses and provincial-level websites of teaching materials.

1.5 Quality assessment and evaluation

Conducting national supervision, assessment and evaluation on TVET quality, and providing relevant consultation.

1.6 Program management

Carrying out regular management for TVET programs supported by central finance.

1.7 Pooling information

Pooling TVET information and resources; designing and maintaining "China Vocational and Adult Education"website; developing and maintaining TVET documentation and information database.

1.8 Publicizing TVET

Publishing the magazine of "China Vocational and Technical Education"to publicize national TVET Policies and Guidelines, regulations and laws; recording and reporting local TVET development; providing a platform for sharing local experience on TVET reform and development; conducting research and organizing discussion on hot issues and theoretic aspects of TVET.

1.9 Connecting the world

Developing and implementing international TVET programs; carrying out exchanges and cooperation with foreign TVET organizations; conducting comparative study on TVET; coordinating communication and cooperation among Asian-pacific Centers of UNESCO-UNEVOC.
